Example Protocol Workflow

Scenario Workflow

Notes about scenario pool functionality:

  • Following the 72-hour cool-down period, resolved pools that remain undisputed will be paid out to users according to the revenue breakdown outlined in Protocol Revenues
  • A resolved scenario pool may be disputed by its askers (see: Tokenomics)
  • The above workflow diagram represents a standard scenario pool design; additional pool designs will allow for options such as gated pools (limiting access to specific addresses) and pre-funded pools (whereby an asker-maker can choose to cover the cost for all future asker-joiners) - a feature which may be desirable if other projects, protocols or developers are setting up notification pools for their communities
  • Users will always be able to withdraw their funds from a scenario pool during the period in which it remains live
  • Asker-makers will initially be able to choose to denominate their pool fee in USDC or ETH
  • Future iterations of the protocol may allow for pooled funds to be stored as staked ETH or other yield-bearing assets, opening up additional protocol revenue and/or user revenue; this is anticipated to reduce friction for asker-makers and asker-joiners, who would otherwise need to be comfortable having their funds lie dormant in a pending scenario pool when they could be earning yield on them elsewhere
  • Future iterations of the protocol will aim to use a portion of protocol revenue to fund a ‘free pool’ option; such a model will be important for maximising growth potential