Vision, Resources & Decentralisation
Whilst it is possible to build a crypto notifications platform as a centralised service on web 2 infrastructure, doing so would restrict the platform’s modularity and scaling potential, and possibly run counter to the values of its initial user base. As a protocol that will initially be used by crypto natives who value trustlessness, permissionlessness, security and ownership, it is crucial that SCENARIO aligns with these values and is designed in a way that allows for it to be composable with other decentralised applications.
With its underlying logic running on a decentralised compute layer, SCENARIO will be able to grow in step with demand. Globally dispersed, engaged and economically incentivised users will act to reach consensus on event occurrences and trigger notifications in response to user requests. The protocol’s event data will be provably crowd-sourced, and, in future versions of the protocol, open to use by other platforms and builders.
At scale, a decentralised model for crowd-sourced agreement on what has happened or what is true is also the most robust, and is further strengthened when such agreement is directly connected to crypto-economic incentives which reward honest user behaviour and make dishonest responses unprofitable and increasingly difficult to repeat.
Scenario is...
A battle-tested, immutable set of smart contracts
Accessed by...
A broad network of two different participant types
Who are...
Economically incentivised to keep the service running
Creating a...
Decentralised and open base layer 'protocol-as-a-service'
On top of which...
Third parties can build and create
Allowing them to...
Further harness and monetise the protocol or offer second-layer services