Protocol Revenues

100% of funds placed into SCENARIO contracts will be paid to its users and participants across varying time horizons. Each user’s earnings will vary according to their activity and the roles that they have performed within the protocol.

For any successfully resolved scenario pool, the majority of that scenario pool’s pay-out (75%) will go to the users who acted as its confirmers. The confirmer-maker receives a dedicated portion (35%) of a pool’s payout to help ensure that users are incentivised to act quickly in confirming a pool once they determine that its off-chain parameters have been met, while confirmer-joiners share in the other 40% of these user revenues.

The asker-maker receives 10% of a pool’s payout in order to incentivise scenario pool creation, rewarding pools that have been deemed by the market to have useful, clearly defined parameters and strong demand. Directing this portion to asker-makers also helps to offset any costs of scenario pool creation (for smaller pools) and reward users with some profit in cases where they have created popular and highly utilitised pools.

The final 15% of funds, in a resolved pool, goes to the protocol and its SNR stakers (see detailed breakdown below).

Summary of protocol revenue splits for a standard resolved scenario pool:

  • 35% to the pool's confirmer-maker
  • 40% shared across all of the pool’s confirmer-joiners (according to their relative staking weight)
  • 10% to the protocol, paid directly to SNR stakers according to their staking weight*
  • 3% to the protocol, paid to the arbiter fund
  • 2% to the protocol, paid to the growth pool
  • 10% to the pool’s asker-maker